WiShEd It WERe MIne....
Will start of with money first.....
why muz money be so impotant???
ANd MOney MAkeS THe WOrLD Go ROund.....
moneys can get u almost everything....
yea almost...
in certain cases,money can get u love also...
but love lik those is useless....
it won last....
it will last till the money worns off...
kk enough bout money....
second topics now....
the are lovely specially created by god.....
their existance is to be love....
tts mean they existed juz to be love la....
but sometimes we juz dnr wat they r thinking about....
its JUz ComPLiCated.....
i seen a situation and i think its funny though....
ther is tis girl....
she juz now the guy and then ask him out....
shes not worry if they guy is a bad guy????
and juz might do something wrong...
arent u worried???
few days,almost a week....
the girl sort of like giving the guy some tips of she wanting the guy to be hers bf.....
so soon r????
relationships lik tis won last long though...
cos they both don noe each other well.....
and i think shes desperate edi gua...
the guy juz speechless and dnr wat to say....
cos the guy juz not really noe her and not in to her....
so its like= tepuk sebelah tangan larhx....
LOlz desperados...
ther so many cute and preety girl but its hard to get them.....
hard is normal la....
if it were easy then tats aint life la...
cos life isnt easy....
i guess it will never be la...
cos its never been easy for me so far....
every relationship has its bumps and hard times...
i guess my time is juz isnt rite yet....
i'm out of words....
no more words...
i'm posting this without any targeted point its juz tt my heart want me to tell all tis out to my frenz...
hopefully they would noe me better....
and truely noe wHO Yc IS....
Kesenjangan Kesehatan Kanker | Tahukah kamu?
6 years ago
haha,read ur comment bout my latest blog~well,i knew alot of these stuff cux i love reading and i believe this thing.for me,its true,because i believe.so it depends on people.oh,and about dose photos.yea,sorry~but u already senn my tru looks,so i dun think it will be any prob.right,i'll write untill here.and for my next blog,i'm gonna continue to write dose stuff~thx for supporting!!^^
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