Six Things Im Passionate about:
1) myself~
2) my family~
3) my friends~
4) money!!~~
5) love~
6) study?(not really..haha~)
Six Things I Say Too Often:
1) kuku
2) *****
3) ******
4) ****
5) lolx..
6) bastard
Six Book I've Read Recently
1) text book (everyday also will skul..~_~)
2) tech magazine
3) Car magazine
4) Pc Games
5) phone magazine
6) Pc buyers
Six Songs I Can Listen To Again And Again:
1) LEavin-Jesse Mrcartney
2) Bsb-helpless when she smile
3) Akon-Sweetest girl
4) coldy O donis-wad u got!
5) bu hui ai
6) Jay chou-tui hou
Six Things I Learnt The Past Year
1) Ky is bad influence(really is)
2) study hard..
3) Emo Cos they wans a gf
4) KuKu is because no Gf
5) a empty heart is = EMo
6) lonely is very lonely
Kesenjangan Kesehatan Kanker | Tahukah kamu?
6 years ago
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