hi hie....
today i reach ttn oni at 8...
ttn start at 7.30 but 7.30 oni i come out from my house...
my dad la wait him till late...
ttn go ther do a karangan then a lil bit tata then so fast time strike 9.30...
gosh tiem pass so fast...
got a pic of my fren brian pia ceh...
damn gaya...
i also kenot but he can...
pro wei...
next library edi la...
especially the chinese....
it seeems its a good month to get married....
and so many ppl get married....
yet tis fabulous month come with a bad side...
if u guy's notice tis month also many ppl have prob with their relationship...
many broke up and some have problem starts pop-ing up....
and brake up is a thing being said...
well if its for me....
ntg changes i'm still the 1 u guys noe...
got ntg to brake up...
welll many brakes up means many heartache and many ppl being sad....
it do give ppl a chance to love hu they wanted to last time after their brake up...
don c tis as an advantage nor an disadvantage....
cos some ern from it and some lost....
so its a balance situation.....
the reason i'm posting tis is for fun and to voice out wad i think....
i hab a job awaiting me aledi....
the job is a listener and sort of like adviser for love....
or can say its therapist....
i dnr y....
but ppl like to share their problem wit me....
i'll take it as an compliment....
cos ppl trust me so they tell me.....
me as a listener i do giv some wise advice to them....
i giv advice and dont change them....
i do really hope ppl don breake up and stay with hu they r with now....
i felt really lucky ppl wan to share their prob with me....
cos they trusted me as hu i m....
although i sux in my love life....
ppl alwiz though i'm good in it...
but honestly.....
I'M NoT....
well ppl dnr tt...
then when they tell me i jux listen and listen....
ntg much can be done by an outside lik me i don life in the situation...
i oni can tell them to hang on and giv chance and not to brake....
i wish my wonderful life will be much better....
but i think i'm lucky enough to wan more...
some 1 jux told me today bout her relationship got some prob edi....
well i jux said hang on....
it wasnt any1 fault dough....
k lar gtg edi...
cos if tis continue U readers will get borink...
hie hie...
tis mor get up at 8 then went bak to sleep till 12...
holz !
so today went for m.maths was kinda empty....
many ppl din go...
since we got no transport home due to brian din go...
so me and siva follow darren bak to his home...
then lepak ther awhile...
then walked out for dinner....
cos got ttn at nite....
so went sri melur to had some food..
then darren mum fetch us bak to ttn centre...
we reach ther at near 6.30....
so we left our books and went cc till near 7.30....
when bak in centre siva went to toilet after me...
when he is in i off the light...
it seems he peeed a lil bit on his pantz cos kenot c...
darren got to sacrifice cos sit beside him in class and got some fishy smelll
he is so gonna kill me....
i'm so dead....
the whole thing was so funny la....
i fast fast chao...
otherwise die....
tts all gua...
below is the pic off my dear fren siva...
so i jux remembered tt ky is leaving today to hK...
happy holiday every1....
use it wisely....
cos after tis holiday its dead time cos results are coming out....
so better be prepared....
welll ttn and everything asusual...
mum allow me to carry out small party for my birthday tis sat....
calling some close frenz over...
hahaha very paiseh today...
i keep on chat with ppl till tertidur..
cos i sambil chat sambil to the undang 500 ques...
now oni fin a lil bit cos keep on tersleep...
nothing much happen la...
cos right after breakfast i'm at home till tomolo...
tomolo got double ttn...
sien lik ToooooooooooooooooooT...
lucky its holiday so can take it weellll.....
ntg d lur i guess i'll stop rite here...
i mean it RITE HERE....
Thx GOd.....
My Luck IS CHAngINg?
I'lL Try To handle all lucks given properly....
AnyWay I LOvE IT....
yesterday i sleept at near 1 and wake up 7 tis mor....
went for my undang listen thingy....
i should meet up with my couz in kg jawa ther but ended up splitted cos my stupid skul send me to kapar ther 1...
damn sleepy day la...
but since today its my luckiest day ever...
i'll post something first...
make the world jealous....
first i though i'll die in tt 5 hours but i din cos got cute chicks ther....
shes the cutest in the class d la...
imagine we had breakfast together....
lucky lik helll....
then second pretiest girl in class also sat on my left for breakfast tooo....
gosh 1st pretiest on right on second on left....
i alone sesat in between 2 such cute and pretty girls...
act me and the most prettiest girl sat together was a coe-incident...
i left my book ther and pick up my food....
the next thing i saw shes side of me...
ofcourse i wont elak rezeki...
i sat la at side...
then the second prettiest girl join on my left...
left and rite also leng lui lucky giller...
i somemore so sesat,went with 3/4 pants and gotted the class's attention with accident....
malu giler damn sesat cos all long pants i oni 1 short....
then the lecturer questioned me....
then all luk...
fuk la malu sial...
err then ofcourse in class also droll ny la...
then goin bak time the most prettiest girl was standing ther...
caught me drolling at her....
i din turned off padahal i jux continue lukking at her....
she also steadily stare at me oni...
the whole thingggy lasted nearly 30 sec i guess...
both luk at each other....
she luks so innocent,i though she will turn off but she din.....
then a bunch of ppl walk pass then i fast turn off...
then ntg happen D....
then before i left i kena caught again....
jackass man....
then i jux smile la,she did the same to me also la...
then now i'm bak so tired and goin to sleep after tis post....
i got another good news....(i guess)
i think the day i hav beeen waiting for its very near D....
i cant tell cos it suppose to be a secret and big 1....
i'll jux stay Thx GoD....
But God !
So many good things at once???
i scared kenot handle la....
anyway THX GoD,LOve U.....
gtg D la TaDAz
damn sleepy....
today is the day my holiday start la...
happy holiday ya'll.....
as usual i wake up late...
then on9 then chat with teng as usual....
everything is as usual lik another holiday....
some ppl think tt we r couple ....
wad we did tat make them think tt way?
we sit together lik any other fren ny wad....
if not mistaken the cup girl also think v r couple...
so we was chatting tilll came accross a topic wher i my self not sure...
she say=my frenster all add pretty girls nia then all the ugly's once are left...then she say i pentingkan luaran oni...
i said=hahaha...i din noe ugly girls existed on earth.....lolx....
she replies=you add so many girls you flirt with them how are you goin to be loyal?
me said= when time comes i will....
enough edi the others are not important to share edi....
then tonite got buffet somemore in kajang...
tired sei....
hate those buffet no girls to drool 1....
got few ny tt also hide inside house....
now come bak ny blog...
sadly she kenot make it to my birthday....
couz wedding....
no choise lur....
tomolo goin for 5 hours undang listen....
dnr got same place with my couz anot....
fuk la if diff place sure boring lik cock la...
how to spend my 5 hours ther?
die la.....
well headache the whole day la...
shyt sial...
i think i' goin to be early la....
short post
FiNally ITS OVeR!!!!!!!!!!!!
near 3 weeks of exam is over finally.....
i'm so damn glad.....
tomolo is teachers day celebration which is a public holiday for me also...
my holiday starts tomolo....
not sure whether the holiday is to be enjoyed or study?
i guess i'll do both la...
i jux felt damn diff tis exam...
as if it change me inside out....
for example....
last time i lik to drool (biasa la boy's ma)....
now less D n oni does it when got mood (is it a sign of me turning gay?)
seriously dont bother bout anything else except study....
SoOn WiLl PoSt My ChiCKs PicS....
CaN SAy SorT of LIk MY Target NoW.....
so keep on eye of my post la...
tts all hav to say.....
moral is a 2.30 paper....
rubbish actually...
lucky i smart.....
first copy
second bring hp
3rd use headset in class
kena caught die la....
but nice since so much time can listen song sleep...
sit near window got wind somemore....
its paradise in exam....
yeng sei.....
don follow.....
cos it will oni kill U....
kK tadaz bubbyez....
tis mor sibei good mood...
a good nite sleep is Y....
tomolo got physic 3 and est and bi....
today is the day to prove wad i say i'll do...
got a double tuition on a public hol...
nvm nvm...
since spm year....
got to stress a bit...
otherwise tak macam spm year...
tomolo exam die...
cos if i can remember i think i din do much thing for my xam's...
anyway,is last weeek so who carez...
after tis is a week of hol and the rest is for studies edi...
no time to waste, no time to play...
got to loss talk and more work....
got to less play and more studies...
otherwise sure mati....
heard of the radiation day????
they say muz off phone cos the radiation is high on tt nite...
they say off at 11...
i drift off time and off at 11.15....
some say will explode...
but i don think so la...
yesterday was a whole day out....
morning got breakfast with uncle nad auntz...
then go centro....
meet up with JAMIe...
though of goin to c her at nite geh...
cos got dinner at v garden ma...
so ma sem bian walk over lur...
mana tau tt afternoon it self my mum say wanna go...
follow la ofcouse....
so since meet her at afternoon edi,nite i skip the dinner la...
cos main perpose i go the dinner is to find her after tt nia...
everything serve its perpose and meaning....
and its so damn true....
it seeems yvone went to tat dinner also....
i could 1 stone kill 2 bird....
but since i meet jamie at afternoon liao...
then du1 to go at nite edi la...
luks sibei desperade wei....
but stilll din go and no regret....
cos the dinner super pack (it seems)....
i manage to do some studies at nite...
oni some yeah....
don start with me ish nerd and alll.....
cos i jux cant!
i jux got to stay happy....
1 thing bad bout me...
some says its advantage but i'm not sure...
i'm easily get over something....
means an easy move on fellar....
good or bad neh???
anyway i think its good....
i'm sometimes happy go lucky...
i treat something as ntg...
jux to not get tooo reacted over anything...
a proper post after a freeging long while....
enjoyz ya...
SoRrY for over react yesterday....
actually it was ntg....
and jux another thing tt a normal fren will do....
sry for making u'll shocked....
though dnr wad apen...
if was truely ntg la...
me kisiao a bit yesterday tts y post also sampat eD.....
no 1 to blame except me la....
cos he is jux bein a nice fren to his fren and another fren....
wont too much in ttn....
din really do anything also la in ttn...
but its best not to create havoc and problemz for my self...
my time ish over and now is his....
apolozie once again yEah....
wasnt any bakstab la....
jux a fren being a nice fren oni lur....
cant really blame him for bein him....
i jux watch myself any everything gonna be fine....
was out d whole day edi...
now muz get bak to nerd my physic and m.maths liao lar....
i wanna start with saying thx to be Dee kesayangan....
no wonder i love u so much ur so good...
she told me something tt i almost forgotten...
i'll noe to do next....
i totally drift off edi....
but now she reminds me again....
K i'll avoid unnecersary contact and communication with her....
cos i du1 to create probz....
tis ish my mistakes...
and i'll repair it....
but if i repair my mistakes and he still spread out rubbish...
he better be PREPARED....
now ish my mistake so i'll take the blame...
but when i repair my mistakes edi but he still go po chui....
i'll fucked him till his paretnz kenot reconize...
kimak punya budak....
wasnt really his fault he juz helping his fren to take care his gf...
fine fine fine.....
those close minded MoTHER FUCKKKERS.....
GET A LIFE......
i don rob ppl's gf....
i not tt cibai....
i noe d rulez....
and from now on i'll keep the distance i forgotten the last time....
my fault and I"M sorry....
the black ass is doin a favour for his fren...
but his words better be true...
i hate being accused for wad i'm not....
suak tis time mmg i wrong....
don blame me for being a lil cooler with u from now on...
i'll keeep the distance.....
and he watch his words.....
want po chui????
but don tell stuff not true....
cos he if come for me....
I'll FuCK him tooooo......
ppl bf wad!
sure protective la....
i'm jux outsider or another close fren....
so muz keep the distance....
don too much....
i treat all Gf's the same....
suak suak suak....
those cloe minded assholes sure think -ve.....
i dont noe a lot actually....
BaLLLes JAck ASS.....
love YA D....
i forseeen tis to happen 1 day....
LoL = i"m not actually laughing.....i'm jux to FuCKeD to Say ANything ElSE.....
shocking post ya....
i wasnt angry.....
seriously i'm not...
it was my mistakes for now.....
shes innocent....
and don need to noe bout tis....
its my fault....
if I really wanna rob her from U....
i'll do more then i do now.....
when i changed....
i du1 wars...
i du1 to be a knife....
i jux hope every1 will be happy ^^
have a nice day every 1
jux shocked saw my frenster tis month kisiao a lil bit...
although for some of u guy's are jux normal ....
but for me not lur...
cos normally its a month touching hundred nia...
but tis month pecah record....
now oni 13 /5/08....
edi 500+ view...
so many view but so less add....
most view anonymously...
so far exam was jux alrite...
i think i screw my bm a lil bit..
tomolo no exam...
but teacher got some meeting outside...
then still gtg...
forced to go actually...
nvm la...
no choise edi ma go lur...
my paretns du1 gimem ponteng 1 lea....
ntg to say la...
thurs its sej 1 and 2 and est...
so today wake up early go out....
the gong is pic 1 and 4 in temple in pics 2 and 3....
the gong super special...
its seeems oni ppl with luck go and rub the centre part it will produce a humming noise...
not all ppl rub can humm....
cos not all got luck (zhai in hokiien)
me and my dad and a couple more manege to made it humm....
my dad's was the loudest....
the more u rub the louder it gets....
till can blow ur eardram....
truely amaze me....
truely cool....
went to coffee factory c the tauke fry the coffee...
got pics of raw coffee also....
but the cofffeee after fry luks like tar road those...
went to gano farm and also longan farm...
waste of time but it was ok la...
so overall rating is average...
k la...
jux c the pics and ask when ur blurx...
wont be putting long post...
cos gtg study and got mother day dinner at nite...
no time to study at nite edi...
got to go out today whole way too...
tonitw got mama dinner ....
teng i fellow ur style la...
take buk out....
hopefully can manage to put something in on journey....
waiting for ma paretns to get ready...
so sambil itu i blog la...
short post la...
my blog my frenster and hp...
all same layout....
kononnyer wanna act emo la...
biasa la ben ny....
will snap some pics if got chance....
then post to share with my frenz here....
tadaz gtg...
today study bio la...
do some exercise...
my teacher say wanna question me at nite...
but dnr she hilang go wher edi...
mayB to exicted attend birthday party till forget me edi...
my teacher 17 nia....
young and pretty somemore....
lucky me...
nvm nvm nvm.....
me jux bak from some wedding buffet dinner at segambut or somethg....
my dad's kakilang biasa la. his family ther many relatives 1....
actually i du1 to go 1 but kena forced...
so got to go...
saw to nerd face book ther....
she form 4 study sej....from dnr wher!earth i guess...
teacher i saw ur fren ther tooo....
r u both noe each other r?
dee also din go....
ntg much to droll la...
the bride is pretty...
but the bride's husband's sister lagi chun...
stewardess in some airline....
wad else???
expose our convo???
du1 la....
P n C.....
out secret....
ntg actually muahahahahha....
jux 1 thingi wanna let u NOe...
something bout 'the person stole my heart loves some 1 else'....
isnt tt,tt is keeping us apart????
i belive in second chance but not sure how well will it work out now....
don regret stuff happen 2 yrs past....
it make us a better person noe....
we could still maded bak the time we lost(2 yrs after)....
no more emo's post....
jux goted bak my physic paper 1....
got 32 over 50...
hopefully can pass with better score tis time...
cos the paper 2 i did quite ok i guess....
paper 3 is yet to come....
add maths???
die la for sure....
i dnr wad crap they ask also la...
all rubbish i write in ther ny....
so i think sure sure sure fail edi la...
din plan to study today cos tired and fed up luking at buks...
start my bio tomolo la....
more bad things about to come in XaM's....
i forseeen the future...
i noes wad hiiting me soon, i oni kenot c wad coming out for xam's ny...
i don think me and Ja can work out...
she can be another of my gf ny (gudfrenz)....
don c anything is us...lolx....
shes tooo cool and i'm too hot ......
everything is to extreame so kenot nutralize.....
her msg neba exceeded 20 words....
tts how cool...
and mine pulak almost a page....
tts how hot.....
neba mind....
mayB not goin d Ky cos du1 put too much hope on things tt wouldnt happen....
will redecide soon...
waste of time....
how stupid i'm to think tt shitz lik tis will eventually work out???
so i love Hu good?
still lik ong beng hua daughter la...
damn cute.....
others all bo chance liao la....
nvm i lurve my self enough....
so d table all 1 muz rub OFF????
cos mostly not true...
all hopeless....
suites my blog .....
i sux in love....
i really do....
better put hope on studies which will pay me bak better....
sry if i reply darn slow ur sms....
i noe u understand....
so i m not worry...
i'm nerding half the time...
everytime i reply ur sms...
i sepak my phone somewher and study...
so most of the time when i reply u tt time is my rest time...
i seriously neba felt tis way before in any exams in my life...
i alwiz treat exams lik shyt...
but dis time everything seems to change....
those ppl nerding so hard is worrying me...
i felt damn guilty to sit in front of com anymore....
while others is studying...
i jux cant....
i also wanna nerd...
today i heard from my dad bout a girl...
shes damn stupid...
to get pragnant with a 30+ yr old guy...
whiles shes lik oni 17 or 18...
stupid rite?
to all girls out ther....
jux an info...
beware la...
don get fool by stupid guyz and spoil ur life...
so not worth it la....
don simply fuk....
hmmm today ntg much happen la...
ntg other then me studying for my stupid exams ny...
damn nervous tis exam i dnr why...
is good i guess...
wishing all those frenz tt having their exams soon....
GOOd LuCk.....
proceding with my life again...
i hate my life....
i need therapist....
a boi 1 and also a girl 1...
a boi 1 is to help me with wad i should do...
a girl 1...
is to help me wtihs wad they r thinking...
oni a girl understand a girl...
so today studied physic form 4...
understadn wads something force = mgh...
which is mass X gravity X hight...
then sleep...
yeah my kesukaan.....
today got some gathering at my aunts house...
go she cooked some dishes ask we all go eat...
nyam nyam the red wine chicken very nice....
ntg much after tt la...
went on9 had some chat...
then go watch ah long ptd..
aiya i start watching from d centre part....
now i got d cd so can slowly watch....
no rush...
i love fann wong la...
she luks real cute....
i lik d girl from the forbidden kingdom tooo...
shes perfect package...
shes cute hot pretty and height....
if got her other all also du1 edi la..
but sadly kenot get...
can dream oni..
c when got free KY we go centro stalk her...
muz also make sure she is working ther la...
otherwise u can go stalk aunties ther la...
k la gtg edi tired day...
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight random facts about yourself.
Eight people at the end of your post and list their names.
Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs
1. I HAte ppl...
2.i very moody....
3. i lyk cute gf
4. i have a lil bit att prob...
5. i giv every 1 special treat....all the same...chick more special....
6. i can talk lotz on msn and in real life...no matter wad eva gender u r...
7. i hate examz...cos it make me study a lot and hard...idiot ....
8.I love LOVE SONG....cos soundz real good...
1. suyi
4.every 1
5.some 1.
6.special 1.
darn tired...
helped dad out d whole day...
though today hol can get on the books...
mana tau no time for it at all...
really felt damn worried bout tis coming test....
i du1 to flop i want to increse and do better....
if u guys c no update for some long while....
tt means me sedang nerding hard hard liao la...
seriously oni 5 to 15 minutes of my first on9 time was useful...
others were jux a wastered of time ny...
i muz cut down on9 liao la...
cos its killing my grades...
i'll start off tomolo with some add maths and physics hopefully..
not goin for d stupid sportz day tomolo...
waste of time totally...
might aswell study at home beta...
goin to be really crazy for the days to come...
cut tis cut tat...
jux to increase more time for studies...
i si bei laizy....
me is my books enemy...
will blog for importantz oni la...
most of u guy's gort my hp rite?
if don have!
gimme urs and i'll get bak to U...
anything contact me ther ny la...
cos i on9 but half the time i nort ther....
on9 pun ntg to do better jux leave it ther..
msn kang kang 1....
k la...
its time to get on some books...
Gosh Syoknyer tomolo labour day...
still got to work la...
help my dad again...
though can rest and study for mid term...
fukking die la...
tis time test...
i guess u gy's has been hearing tis word from me since the first test i take rite??
can hafal my line D?
tis time once start study means got to con till spm d la...
cos if nort then wont have enough time liao..
its seeems left 116 days left...
far???nononono its Darn NEAr D....
WannA WiSh mGs ChoIR TeAM ConGrAtZ....
FInaLLy All ThE HaRd WoRk PaYs Off HuH???
To AcS TeAm???
Hmmmmm Jux SPeEChLEss....