Hmmm i was goin through one of my ex best teachers blog. yeah. my teacher got blog. how cool rite? pls do visit if ur free. linked under Pn Rabish. Omg. her latest post was kinda inspiring. damn hell she is rite. omg. why do we often take so long to notice ther is another open door when tis door is close? how much longer am i goin to lie to my sELF?

don trust my blog. is jux a cover. trust my action. cos i think action speaks louder then words. some quote from Pn Rabiah.

If something bad happen in your life, don't give up. Life goes on. It is ok to feel sad, but don't let it ruins your life. Life is too short to waste on feeling sorry about yourself. Just think if you are having bad luck, there is someone somewhere in the world is having worse fate than you. "Quoted from Pn Rabiah"

Find friends that will be with you through your good or bad time. There are many people who want to laugh with you, but very few who want to cry with us. Remember that someone is there when you need a shoulder to cry too. ( hell is true Rite? very few will cry wit us) Thx Pn Rabiah

hahaha. okie okie. stop lying stop lying to my self. hahaha.

yesh life is short. life is damn short. we jux dnr wad will happen after tonite. make the fullest out of it. life is full of exp and challenges. trust ur heart. trust ur feeling! IMPORTANTLY trust URSELF! nobody will respect a person if he/she don trust he/her self.

the core of long lasting love.


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