ME and rhyinna Jie Jie
Tis 1 with SpecS...

sleeping aunty

Jie Jie with nichole

very windy

DEe acting Fish

2 leng lui 1 sesat

cam whore giler

tis is wad i saw when i went to a flower shop...
damn big wei...
toaday i wanna go pai pai gunung....
kalau faham,faham lah....
kalau tak faham buat buat faham la...
i so happy....
finnaly its all over....
felt so freed.....
i wanna fly....
syok oni can disturb yvone....
dahla she oni on9 once in a blue moon...
if don take the chance to disturb now...
the next time will be months from now....
me luks simple...DON I?
but deep inside thers so much stories....
and histories not told...
and not many ppl new it...
oni the ppl involve and some others,not even my close frenz...
jux din feel like telling...
and din c d point of telling....
not tat i wanna keep it secret but jux din have the mood to spill it out...
i love many ppl befored.....
and now i jux lik them all....
love post alwiz got ppls attention....
die liaw la...
shit d la...
ben changing to a jerk liaw....
by wanting ppeoples attention....
stupiak betul....
k la...
later go pai pai bak edi oni snap some pics for u guy's....
its 3.22 now....
but might be telling it in some other post...

saad lar....

since da last post all lai ask me...

and some even kacau me...



swt la....

anyway i don care la...

LoL,she jux a admirer....


even waterbell also lai ask me...


its jux another shit in lives....

jux skip it...

and make life happy like mine...

i wanna be happy oni...

and i'll be...


today's day was jux like anothers day...

skiped skul....

and sleep till 10.00...

ky jux grow up la....

muz be either u or darrens kerja la K....

i noe 1 lar....

u really think if she saw the last post she still will be tat calm meh?

sure shoutbox ther got C,L,F and those 1...

soon u guys will get tired with it liaw huh....

hot guy lik me????

if i'm hot i won be available till now...

so i'm jux "hot" not hot...


I du1 to have anything related to her....

i'm skiping hers every sms....

but fuck la....

still she can bug me in bus...

eleh don bother la....

i still like who i like now....

i still like them all....


i'm not an easy goin ppl la...

I GUESS>>>>><><><><><><><><>....

but all also my gf nows
like JO.....

and also BElLs....

DING dOnG...


btw i don simply flirt like nobody's business K....

i oni flirt with those tat flirt with me and those tat i noe i can flirt...

and ofcourse with those tat i lik...



LAtely i'm struck with love shits again...

WTF wei...

why its me???

fuk it...

letz start the story....
its on 24 of march around 1500

i recv a anonymous message telling who she r...

so after ttn i replied her..

we chated till the nite...

and she showed love to me....

WTF i neba c her before she neba c me before and suddenly u love me???

so the nite end...

next day,after skul she passed my sis something call the "LOVE LATTER"

so i was shocked...

and the sms fly come my phone...

bla bla bla bla...

every single sms muz have muax....

fine fine....

lter on the day,she showed more love....

and shes changing to be same bus with me...


isnt she doin too much???

fine fine...

the days passed....

here comes wed....

she told me shes changed to my bus TODAY....

i was like=WTF MAN....

so sooon????

okie fine...

go bak time i saw her and she saw me...

i buat buat tak tau oni la...

then reach home liaw i recv sms....

spt biasa guess wad she said????

hahahahahx.....u so cute....when i sees u my heart melted....

and shes give me a nick callled lollipop....

i was thinking whether should she wear a spec anot la...

come on luk at me!!!!i'm not cute not handsome....jux ugly....

its my first time rejected some1....

i guess it would be my last....

she keep on praise me non-stop...

and she keep on says shes ugly...

she seriesly have low self esteem la....

welll shes not ugly la,NO1 IS BORNED UGLY.....

shes jux a lil bit pump up la...

and saw her again today in bus...

and asusual i recv sms praising me>....yucks....

be ta han...i'm seriously ugly....

she proposed to me....

i tried give some reason before...

but she tries again....

i said i need some time...

then she tried again...(p/s actually she din ask all in 1 day...she split in to 2 days but i jux put it all together....)

i told her not fair to acceept her cos i like her but she love me....

its jux won worked out u noe....

but she says nevermind tis and tat....

but still i said no...and sry....

i think tilll out of idea....

then suddenly my stupid brain gimme gud idea....

so she asked agin...(ther is a way shes proposed but i jux malas to type it all and jux making it simple)

i tOLDED her tat i love some1 aledi(its a lie)....

she give up and tell me she craying tis and tat....


then shes apologized for wasting my time and all....blablablabla.....

i jux du1 to give her a false hope tat i day i might jux fall in love with her....

cos the 1 day may be a very long time....

how can i accept love so fast?tis realationship is way to fast....she oni noes me for feew days and she says she love me???wth la...does she noes wads love anot???

i haven felt love since the last girl i loved....i jux dnr why....i jux lik alll the girls but non tat i actually love them....I've move on already....the last girl i love took me almost 6months to a year to actually fell in love with her....but we din ended up together...hahahax....since then i jux go around droll drooll flirt flirt...and din actually get into any serious relationship....not tat i din move on but jux don have the love ther....

one day jux the matter of time wher my princess will come to i'm being very pation now....jux go on with my usual life and stay happy la.....sry to girl again....i'm jux not meant to be urs....its too fast...find some1 else....get over me...and stay happy....

WAT u guys think?
Any comment?
Am I wrONG?
OR ShEs JUx BEING DespEraTE???


lately me and dee was like siao oni...

keep on webcam...


biasa la,all too free wad...


btw check out my pics on my couz blog...

check out yea muz scrool a lil bit down....

tats happen when we r to free in the midnite and got ntg to do...


lately me and dee and ky...

went nuts....

me,dee tag team hantam ky...

kolian tat fellow....

but nebermind la....

once awhile kacau him its gud...

otherwise everytime in skul i kena buli 1...

so no chance to buli...

but when got chance muz appreaciate it well.....

kau kau we enjoy....

I guess I've fallen with a girl...

But all my feelings are real...

This girl is different from others...

She makes me feel that I can be myself in front of her...

I don't need to put up a show or an act in front of her to like me...

I can be myself....

Everytime her name appear I feel that I'm on top of the world...

I'm so high, so happy and I just can be myself...

She makes me feel this way...


This feeling can't be wirtten nor say it out...

No words can be put together to form a sentence to express or describe my feelings towards her...

To make it short its undescribable...

but I don know she felt the same way i felt for her....

I'm also scare at the same time...

Maybe I'm to sensitive...

Cause she treat everyone equal...


What can I do to noe whether she felt the same way on me...


I'm scare...

I really hope one day, she will know how I feel...

Eventhought she don't felt the same way on me...

I just want her to know...

we mayb far apart....

but we r alwiz close togethr....

do everything together...

i jux wish we could be near together...

doin sweet stuff together......


LOlx u may not noe ky...

and thx-ing her for doin studies with me....

cos if we don do it together....

i believe....

yesterday i won even spend time on my chemy at all
or even spending time on studies...

too all out ther...

when u think u noe me....

u think again...

cos when u noe me....

u will notice tt ther is still more about me tt u dnr about...

when u luk me lik innocent...

think again....

its "innocent"

i'm very bad....

useless,any thing negetive u can named it,its me...

i luk like guai guai zai...



i'm not at all....

i'm so bad tt i almost goted kick out the house...


i may sound polite...

yEAH I M....

but when u pissed me and c....

all word u can think about will be out of my mouth...


i'm very bad boy.....

hIe hIe....

now got internet pulak malas wanna blog...

partially its cos i dnr wat to say la...


for the past weeeks i been bathing in a water 10 degree celcius below my body temp....

or more then ten...

tata la...

got ntg to say liaw..

short post.

damn so cold....

but luckily the water heater lai liaw...

otherwise die la,somemore lately the rain jux keep pouring...

make the water much colder...


today went jusco with my mum...

a fast trip la...

jux go get some freshner for my room...

smells gud...


its been some few days since i have blogged anything....

tt few reason why i din blog...

1 No internet
2 SiEn
3 No mooD
4 FelT ShiTeD


my house ther internet jux can use yesterday....

acc the real prob its tt the whole time i tried...

i entered the wrong password....

felt so stupid sial....

but i manage to found out the prob yesterday nite...

after my god's bro birthday...

another stupid incident...

i went home yesterday i lost my phone...

cos i forget wher i throw it edi...

i was sms-ing half way...

but i kenot find my hp....

the situation maded harder when the phone in silenced mode...

i cant use another phone to call cos useless

cos no sound at alll....

but finally i found it....

its hidden,covered by my blanket...

when i replied u,i though u was dead a sleep edi....

mana tau still can reply...

paiseh lorhx...

blame my phone...


stupiak betul me....

anyway my house the internet ther siao edi...

so freeking fast...

i was shocked yesterday when i did the test....

cos my package ws the 1 meg so it shouldnt be tt fast....

but some says its b'cs tts its new area tts why its fast...

after some while it will slow down liaw....

imagine dl at a speed of 200kbps and above....

siao giler,averything will be damn fast...

i was worried my mum tuk the wrong package...

instead of the 1 mb she tuk the 2mb 1 then i siao liaw la...

she will make noise ltr...

cos the 2mb 1 its rm 100+ siao....

k lar...



can on9 at nite edi...


the internet speed at my new house ther....

si bei fast....

dl stuff also damn fast...


skul hol gonna end.....

tt means everything is goin bak to normal....

all those stress-ness and busy-ness is coming bak...


HElp ME.........

i"m DrowNinG.....

the stupid telekon fellow kena screw edi yesterday.....

now they ask me to giv them another 24 hours....


tts means its a total of 3-4 days edi....

come ON...

the streamyx coming when the holidayz ending???

Wher got time to use edi wor???

when skuls start! ! !


damn la...

muz start finishing up my moral shit edi la...

wats holiday when u got so many homework???

they shouldn't say holiday then should say homeworkday....

tts sound better....

so far i oni fin 2 out of 4 of they esei...



training of my add maths lately cos my add maths suckx....

burning some midnite oil learning add maths....

LoLx sound so nerd....

but i'm not....

juz repairing my mistakes....


k la...

got to get bak to all those homework....

hardly chat with u lately also bell...


sowee cos i'm bz ler....

cant get bak the pase tt we used to have before...



hopefully when i get my homework done faster then will get bak our pase....


click to view cos its too small me

me fin work early so kacau him

bm ttn sir....


nerd ass....

THey LuK so Gud TogetTher...

I'm Starting Think The Times We Are Happy Together Aren't Worth The Times I Cry Alone

I removed the L from LOVER... now its all OVER!

Our love is like a red, red rose that's been eaten by worms

A broken heart can hurt, but its the memories that kill you

You don't have the key to my heart... I changed the locks.

It was never love that broke her heart, it was losing that love that tore her apart.

I'm over you, over your smile, over your lips, over your style and over your kiss!

She laid her heart and soul right in your hands... you stole her every dream and crushed her plans

I love you too much to realize that you are in love with someone else

I always fall for that one guy, who is out of reach, but close enough to make it hurt

Love can wait till I have time

First we were friends, Then we were lovers, but now we act as if we don't know each other :(

Too many tears have run down her cheek, too many times her heart broken, too many scars lie upon her wrists yet she keeps smiling

I'm used to being lonely, its the only thing I can rely on these days.

(u) You say you love me, you say you care, but know I whenever I need you, you're not there

What becomes of the broken hearted, who had a love that has now departed...

Love is like a fairytale... u live it for a while and then the book just has to end

A lover without indiscretion is no lover at all.

He Took My Smile With Him When He Left.

The journey with you was well worth the fall.

You made me fall in love with you... and then ditched me at the first sign of commitment

Don't leave me holding on, to something that's already gone

The love I gave you is the love I'll never give again

The truth is, we only break our hearts to see what they really mean to us...

I'm fading like a broken picture, the color is gone and the brush is broken, all I need is someone
to color me in, like u used to

How can you love someone, if you don't love yourself?

Lets play a game, You rip out my heart and we will watch it stop beating

*He* (never) -noticed- >her< u/n/t/i/l {she} w.a.s [gone]

No amount of medication could ever heal the ache of a broken heart.

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak, sometimes it means you are strong enough to let go

I Thought It Was Tru, But It Didnt Work, I Let Myself Fall Apart. Nothings Tru - Nothings Right. I Know We Did, I Started A Fight

(U):'( Nothing ever seems to be as perfect after your heart get broken and you realize the truth was all lies :'((U)

I loved you once, but I can never forget you... you left a scar upon my heart

Its a lot easier to say I dont like him anymore than to explain all the reasons why I still do

Never make someone your everything because when they've gone you've got... nothing...

Love is in the air... and my broken heart is right behind it.

Look into my eyes look into my heart you're the one who tore it all apart

(L)<--- here I dont want it any more... I said take it (L)

The worst part about loving someone else, is when they are right beside you and you know you can't have them

She looks in the mirror with tears running down her face, Knowing that in his heart she will never have that "Special Place"

Scared that you'd hate me, Scared that you'd leave, Now that you've gone, I feel weak in the knees

U Loved me, I didn't know :S... what a jerk ... sorry -> I failed

You said you would love me till the end of time, that's an awfully long time to be wrong.

Tears are just unspoken words a broken heart can't bare to speak

He wrecked me from the inside out, He broke my heart, I want to know what I did wrong, I think about it but can't see what I did

TAts About IT....

wANt MORE????

HolD ON.....

NOw ITs HapPY LOVe....

Love may be a touch, love may be a word... but for me love is a thing which every one dreams

Love is the answer That everyone seeks... Love is the language, that every heart speaks.

I'd Rather Spend 1 Minute Holding You... Than A Lifetime Knowing I Never Could.

Love is like magic... it still remains one of life's greatest mysteries

I am like a butterfly always in the air, always on guard... and in love (L)

(L) Love, love, love... whats it there 4? you'll find out... just don't waste it! (L)

Love is a moment that lasts forever...

love is like power so never let it go, let it grow for life, let it be ur dream come true

Love is like a mountain, hard to climb, but once you get to the top, the view is beautiful.

It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to love someone, but a lifetime to forget someone

Love is like quick sand, the further u fall in the harder it is to get out!

Loving him is all I want... not for a moment, but forever.

I Miss, Need And Want You.

Life isn't about money, Its about love... u cant buy love with money!

When I look into your eyes... I see the world fly right past me.

The easier it is to love, the easier it is to get hurt!

Loving U is beautiful, Loving you is nice. Without you my life is meaningless, like a casino without dice.

Love is life's only medicine

~* Love is like giving someone the chance to DESTROY you and trusting that they wont *~

Love is like a roller coaster. When it's over you throw up.

Love Is Like A Star, You Know That Reaching It Is Impossible, But You Keep Reaching, Hoping
That One Day, It Will Fall For You...

Give Me A Hug, Give Me The World, Give Me Your Heart And I'll Be Your Girl, Give Me Your
Smile, Give Me Your Time, Give Me Your Love And I'll Give You Mine...

Love is a poison that slowly, but surely, consumes ones mind, body and life.

Why cant you only love me?
All I ever wanted was you... is that so hard to understand?


L is for life, whenever you love, you live.
O is for over, you will never be over if you are in love.
V is for vengeance, you will never have to take vengeance upon each other.
E is for ever... when you are in love you will stay together for ever.These are the letters that mean true love... take them, cherish them, and use them upon each other.


enough of it LOLx...

some mayb very meaningful....

and others may juz be shits....

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lately i have been watch a movie.....

and its really sad movie.....

i truely recomend to all....

the movie name its 1 litre of tears.....

can get it here

i wanna say thanks to ChuI LInG for intro-ing it to me....

and thanks her for making me cry.....

MUaCks thanks again....


i cried watching it coz its truely damn sad.....

damn nice....

watch it....

11 epi oni....

the tittle really match the show....


tat show really make me appreciate my live...

and how lucky we r to be so lucky.....


sobz sobz.....


lately i hav been wondering why all those fuk-up guy's always get wat they want easily???

girls are juz too blind-ed by their sweet talk and gud luks...


their att we sooooooo ___________(speechless)........

and yet all the gud things juz fell to them easily...

maybe i muz juz be lik them to be as lucky as them.....

come la ky letz be lik them.....

hahahahahahahax JKJKJK.......


their LOA-ness were over the limit....

DonT worrY My Fren i wont be lik those fukups......


coz were are too diiff apart.....

1 heaven 1 helll,tts how diff i and those people...


bye bye better not say more.....

ltr ppl say i LOa la DeSperate La AnD MAny many more la....







I jUz Lied.....

Not EMo...

Juz To FooL AROuNd...

How Can I BE EmO Now if NTgs happening.....

EvERYTHiNG WEre SeEEms So Calm LAtely....

i guess for the past month was the calm-less month ever...

i check my billl and i was shock....

i send out not more then 50 sms.....


its never been below 100 sms.....


PECAH ReCoRD......


i shifted edi....

2 nitez ther liaw....

very happy....

WHo Don RitE???

first nite din really had enough sleep...

but the second nite was Sweet dream...


still got so much things to arrange...

and the bloody phone line still aint working....


When U Hear UR PHoNE RAnG....

AnD My NAme AppEar Tts means at tat particular time and date....

its me at the other end missing U....

hasitate whether its true???

Tt,u noe It For UR self.....


ConDiTioN IN mY OLd HOuSe NoW

SeRIouSlY DAmN ShoRT....

today damn guai edi lor...

wake up so early....

but done not many stuff hahax.....


last nite slept at,was packing all the house stuff la...


slepping lik hell now...

tis mor ajak SiVa go do the kerJA AMAL stuff 1...

then i sad d saloon open liaw,somemore no ppl...

then ma go in cut lor...

tell the stupiak uncle cut side oni but he cut all till sooooo short...

idiot r....

so so so short...

so so so so bo song lar...

then cut hair liaw go modern....

eh wait wait wait....

before i go in cut hair i think i saw StiCh LEr....

but she dnr me....

so forget it la...

after cut liaw go makan,minum,talk cock and sing song....


then though after tt wanna go do moral stuff 1....

mana tau rain r....

shit la...

plan rosak so straight go home...


but nvm la...

masing masing do at home la....

bye bye...

enough for now...

post pics on next post...

Its d Chair for my RoOm

its been some short while since i last posted anything....

partially i got ntg to post la....

cos everything has been so schduled....

so nothing much to post.....

let start off with today's day...

went skul as usual....

skul was a lil bit crazy...

some crazy people was so tergila-gilakan the election...

siao 1...

some even brought the D.A.P posters and put at the papan kenyataan....


ky din com but not much diff...

juz less laugh....


tis few days might be very bz cos ready-ing all the stuff....

packing up d stuffz and alll....

ready for shiftng tis sat....

DAMN i am excited...

lolx,who don rite????

still got some prob with the streamyx at my new house ther....

damn shit....

i guess tts all to say for now....

out of words edi...

my room emptyly

hmm yesterday is friday....

din felt like wanna blog anything yesterday...

so i done it today....

finally after lik wat???

1 month and 28 days....

and we finally have PJ liaw....

yesterday was an extra was for everytime....

had so much laugh yesterday till stomach cramp la....

thanks to ky and darren and siva la....

those people are crazy people tts make me LmAo.....

espiacially Ky tt buggar are sot 1....


din really study much also....

cos dnr why,i think many teacher juz wanna enjoy their extra day in 4 years time withou teaching gua.....

then go bak skul....

then wanna go bak skul but rain changed my plan....

nvm la,malas to go anyway....


so juz on9 and chat and Dl many songz...

since ntg to do ma....

ohh yea......

examx are killing and the results make it worst....

hahahahx din study punye pasal.....

my room light stupiak....

juz pasang oni then got prob liaw....

my room still luks kinda dark la...

although pasang 4 lights edi...

should hav put 7....(may sound a liltle too much but its ok la)


furniturez coming today.....

goin over ltr.....


hoefully will update with pics on the next post....