I''m getting super paranoid sometimes....I get easily pissed with little things....my new nick might be tornado...cos angin sepoi sepoi banyak cepat...i dnr wads wrong...but lil things seems to pissed me VeRY MUCH....Y r?i'm i getting crazy....i'm getting same sick as dee...jux not as bad as hers...my still under control....hahaha....lately i'm sick damn frequent also....dnr wads wrong...maybe nver drink enough water...so body damn heaty....hahaha....pls pls help me cool down...i neeed ice...i wan snow room....i wan slurpy...i wan COOOOOOOOL 7up...I wan Carlsberg if not Tiger PuN ok...anything...COOOL...i NEEd a fridge rOOm....I wan SNoW RoOM...I wan -ve degree RoOM...i wanna TO FREEZE.....LAstLY I wAN TECHNO to tag along CAN?i goonna ON 16 degree to nite till tomolo morning...And full fan....I on NOw...till later it should freeze d...big power for small room...i gonnae freeeze...YEAY....

YEsterday was my last bm tuition class...i was god damn sick...i do work lie down...my headache was killing bastard....hahaha...and so hot as if the fukking aircon was off....Can order a place in tanjung rambutan for me?I need a place wher crrazy ppl belongs....Cos i gettting crazy soon...paranoid disease...err skul sux everything sux...homework sux...shit smellls good....i wonders why....and my peeeee seeems lik diamond....OMG.....i hab been having the same food every thursday for 3 weeks consecutively....wtf?i'm soooo damn not happy....

All i wan to do now is Slek and do ntg jux listen song and froze.....i'm mooody....IN SHORT ITS CALLED EMO U blood M.F

My all time favourite techno was from dj speed-flying high...and many more from dj satomi....

I cant bother if i dnr...i guess the best is i dnr...

I'm sick I need help which it means i cant very much help others....

Tis is when i'm A lil bit free and all is crazy to tag along...