well on the 23 and 24th of jan i got tis part time job.haha.not many seen me la.
i was working in giant from 12-9.i meet many many ppl but not many tat i noe.it was hell of a great job.i made nearly 10 frenz in 2 days.hahaha.all the young promoter in giant gathered and makan lunch.hahaha.we manage to exchanges numbers,email and many more.hahaha.how great ya?lol.my first day was kinda sucky as i was in a hidden area.until i was shifted to the entrance to promote WONG LO KAT.hahaha.
at fonr ther was seriously great.side my place was marygold.we same age and first time work.hahaha.then ther is tis julie guy which alwiz lepak around and not working 1.hahah.idiot fellar.hahaha.first day was kinda boring la cos din really noe them and kinda shy.
second day.
WOW.my stall was setup in blazering 3 mins.hahaha.wth?lol.they are damn frenly and helpful.they helped me to setup my booth.hahaha.den ther is tis 2 girl from yoes was hell disturbing.haha.they keep come and ask for drink.while i cant really giv them due to the rules i was given.hahaha.they got so kacau.and i throw ice at both of them.hahah.luckily they giant ppl din see.hahaha.so wad?they are cute. i wanna disturb them.hahaha.beh tahan.throw them ice.
she got lil pissed then i was puring drink she took ice and put inside my shirt.shit!hahahastupid gril.lol.but nvm la.its was fun noeing so many ppl.they maded my day ther.so second day we planed for dinner.haha.in kfc.lol.not bad not bad.food is crap.lol.great to noe many fren.
oh my boss is callled nikki.OH NIKKI i can i say i love u??can i? can I?cos i really do.
thx for giving me the job for the extra money to earn.
Kesenjangan Kesehatan Kanker | Tahukah kamu?
6 years ago
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