so basically i am bak from my first day of work lo.ntg much really happen la.i jux hate it i hate it i hate it.Jior i gonna die.can i don go bak tomolo?pls pls pls pls?Jior.i don think i can.i have to.the earliest is a week of notice before i can really leave the job.haih.but but i got strong i muz atleast get a deal before i left.haih.its crap its bad its not for hman wei tat job.
Jior tat was so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
but srY its was pnc.
i din really noe why i was doin tis!haha.
but sometimes we jux do things jux because we felt lik doin it?
hmmm.i got my dinner and food everything downther.but i am jux to lazy to get bath and go to eat.
i don think i would hav the apetite to eat it after all.i alwiz love the porridge but today the porrigde is the same but i jux felt tat its gonna be tasteless tats why till now lazy to even get my bath moving to do all my stuff.damn i am die-ing.realy fast real quick tis time.aiks aiks aiks.virus kena me edi.
don feel lik eating.maybe today puasa la.since don think i can far i had a meal tis morning till now.yet yet yet.damn bo hungry.haha.sometimes decision is not in our hands.sometimes we wans it very much,if ur not meant to get it then every lilttle things might jux spoil it.
i jux felt tat i hav so much to many many many opinion.i wans to many things.but but.i jux cant let it all out now.suddenly lik no words eh.hahaha.well well.hmmm.sometimes we hav to live with decision tat others has made.its not tat we cant make out own decision,but its our decision its not the way ppl wanted.sometimes its their future plan has excluded us we has to make our own,new,future plan's.
lik i ever said.thing will not alwiz goes the way u MOST WANTED.nah."we" are jux not those lucky is jux another person on planet earth.wher things will go the ways we never wanted and least hoped.errrr miracle?aiyo.u think u live in fairy land r?hahaha.maybe its does happen.but its jux not for ppl lik me.
sometimes we say,aiyo put less hope then we crash softer.but but.someetimes thing jux don allow us to decide.sometimes we cant decide wad we wan.we can say wad we wan.but to really get wad we wan is jux aint as easy as talking it self.yesh.the world thse days is jux aint tat easy.every1 is getting more complicated.try living a simple life!maybe not on earth maybe not on milinium.try living the stone age.hahaha.
sometimes things we wan we don get.but things we don wan we alwiz get.its gonna be a hard 16 days.till the 12 of march which is gonna be harder.means i work from tomolo till the day i get my result.
i jux dnr wad to say anymore.all i can say is fuk the job.
i will nvr change.
letz put hope and fate its working out
Haih.ltr at 4 i goin for another job interview at aeon.
it seems its at the fitness lab or shit lik tat.not really sure wad i will be hired for.
well its gonna be a long hours job.10-10.12 hours lea Jior.
haih.i din really wan to work as my parents are the 1 tat ask me to.
its less then a month left till the result is out and till i re-persue with my studies.
if i really get the job its many things i gonna miss.
its not about things tat i gonna miss tat hurt me.its about the possibilities of losing something tat i was more worry about.
me will never change.and no matter wad happen i will still be the same same same.
i jux don wish the job at tis point.not until i am stable.
but letz jux see wad happen later la.
also dnr wad to say edi.
the job is a might be a big lost for me.
Jior ben!u are so stupid wei!ur first time was a crap and disaster.
wasted so much time jux to put it ON!
Such a failure.disaster la!stupid BEN!
Jior but i cant help it.damn gan jiong!
hands shaking wei!
brains freezing.
tats why all the way i am damn cold although the aircon is jux low!
Sry OH!
but but but but but
go die la ben
basically my today starts at 6.15?hahah.okie okie.aiyo good bro muz fetch sis go skul la.
then after come bak can sleep till anytime lo.cos my mum aint working.and i am staying at home.
aiks my mum is sick.has to help mum settle house work and all lo.not giving her do house chores.
so i woke up at ???errrrrr 11.10 lik tat la.hahaha.some1 woke me.hahah.gosh.
its beeen a lame day i can say.ntg much i did or nothing much i din do.basically all the daily stuff la i gues.haha.oh yeah good news~! my body is getting used to alcohol much better more rash or itchy anywher.haha.means good time can take more.haha.lil dose aint working.haha.
hahahah.hmmm.tonite at home makan gua i go out eat die very fast
oh yeah i love the show the day the earth stood still.
hahaha.they implement a FACT tat no 1 can deny lo.
human will change when they had no choice or no road to move anymore.
they r FORCED!hahaha.its the oni way they tat show
nice eh.muz now i think can DL edi.hahaha.
i think its the end for today
next time says more.
I am Alwiz Wise Jux SOmtimes Dnr WHy Gong AbiT.hahaha
Oh YEah "THE" "THE" thing guess used it next valentine.
hahah.i din say it to get attention.
cos i noe i will get it without the post.
today is a emo day
domn ask me why lo.
cos i dnr de
maybe all also lik tat then i mus follw gua?
but anyway.dee noe i am not emo k!
she can see.hahha happily i am laughing and screaming and smile.
can see my teeth from one corner to another corner.
why is the person tat is having pms is not being pms?
and the ppl around her is being pms?
lol.i wonder why.but my therapist is coming soon.
very soon.
not fair rite?tat a person which is pms and to layan me tis stupid boy.
stop saying sry and its not ur fault.
its jux some short circuit in my brain.hahaha.
take care and enjoy.
letz carlsberg.cos i am doin it now.
hahaha.pity the pms person.
My NAme Appear In DeeZ Blog.
anyway i din drive lik how she said OK!
she abit exaggerate lo.Lol.
maybe i was a lil bit fast la.lOl.
but it was still good K!
still slow still in control.
darren also say fast.hahaha.
i din drive tat fast lo.
i aint F1 driver.
i am F10. car got break K!
aaint lik dees car lo.
but luckily i din sit her car yet
aiyo darren and dee!
Ch sit infront also din compliant lo
at the bak somemore don wan use seat belt.
ltr fly out la.
How great is Urs?Is It anywher better then MINE?or i shall say OURS?haha.actually i can say it was my best valentine ever la.but i noe the best is yet to come Rite?*wink*lol.i am still guess wad?
my earlier plan to go with my syg fail to turn out.due to some last min call from my dad.but actually i curang!i edi got another syg in my car.shhhh.don tell my first my first plan is rosak edi.haha.then we decided to go bak la.but then suddenly my syg say don wan go home so early.den we went to aeon lo.
go kopitiam minum and makan ther a lil bit.haih.i love my wadever iceblended mocha we spend time ther.awhile.thn we go jalan jalan la.EH couple's OUT THER!we are happy also ok!we hav each other.haha.then syg decidee to go buy pressie.hahaha.then jalan jalan til around 7 which i hav dinner then i hav to leave lo.i send Syg home.then i go home for my family dinner.
hahahaha.....Wtf wtf wtf????Lol....
Jior darren wtf is tis????
but its lik tat la.WE CHANGE TYPE!wtf!
tat is my valentime LA i rushing for my dinner edi.hahah.but i will blog bout my wonderful valentine.its the best ever la.although all the plans din work out.but still its was the best.and i will blog bout it when i am home from stay tuned.haha.don run.and wait for me.haha.oni some of them know the truth.Right DaRrEn?
well on the 23 and 24th of jan i got tis part time job.haha.not many seen me la.
i was working in giant from 12-9.i meet many many ppl but not many tat i was hell of a great job.i made nearly 10 frenz in 2 days.hahaha.all the young promoter in giant gathered and makan lunch.hahaha.we manage to exchanges numbers,email and many great ya? first day was kinda sucky as i was in a hidden area.until i was shifted to the entrance to promote WONG LO KAT.hahaha.
at fonr ther was seriously great.side my place was marygold.we same age and first time work.hahaha.then ther is tis julie guy which alwiz lepak around and not working 1.hahah.idiot fellar.hahaha.first day was kinda boring la cos din really noe them and kinda shy.
second day. stall was setup in blazering 3 mins.hahaha.wth?lol.they are damn frenly and helpful.they helped me to setup my booth.hahaha.den ther is tis 2 girl from yoes was hell disturbing.haha.they keep come and ask for drink.while i cant really giv them due to the rules i was given.hahaha.they got so kacau.and i throw ice at both of them.hahah.luckily they giant ppl din wad?they are cute. i wanna disturb them.hahaha.beh tahan.throw them ice.
she got lil pissed then i was puring drink she took ice and put inside my shirt.shit!hahahastupid nvm la.its was fun noeing so many ppl.they maded my day second day we planed for bad not is to noe many fren.
oh my boss is callled nikki.OH NIKKI i can i say i love u??can i? can I?cos i really do.
thx for giving me the job for the extra money to earn.
so at tis particular momment.i recv NUGDE.and guess wad?hui san nudges me.den she asked me if i were disted in some i was wondering why she asked.cos i was lepaking all this while and not involve in any studies yet.haha.
well tat i asked wad bring u here?lol.she told me in her college ther is a guy name yongchwen and she said he looks lik me.hahaha.i was shocked.i was stunt.i really wanan me my twin bro.haha.cos i cant believe ther is ppl with same name and looks also.cos i am pretty sure its aint me.cos i am not ther.and shes not here.hahaha.
so i trouble her to take pics if got chance cos i really wanna meet him.hahaha.
hie hui san from penang.thx for helping take pics.
well my dad says he is goin kl with his fren.due to too free.hahaha.we went out together then do banking.den i left my dad over at his frenz place.guess wad?he left me his first i call siva JOM MINUM.hahaha.well while drinking my dear gay say he wanna get i say lets go wher u wanna go.he recomend SUNWAY PYRAMID AGAIN.gosh.i called up ky and asked whether is he tagging anot.he say sien.and guess wad?tat ass i called him up at 12plus.he hell he is stil sobering while answering my call.hahaha.SHIT!
so finally i picked ky up.and go to Klang parade cos siva wanan buy sneakers.but too bad la.ther no choice.cos no then we went to jusco.oh yea before tat ky booked tickets go ther need to fuss bout after Kp was jusco.guess wad?we 3 watched bride WARS!and guess wad?we are the oni 3 guys watching tat show.while other guys are couples.hahahWTF MAN?i din noe until some1 said it.then oni i see.its god damn real true.we r the oni 3 guy,which is single watching tat damn show.hahaha.FUK WEI!damn serong la.
well anyway if was a nice show.ofcourse not to singel ppl's la.walao.would recomend ppl to go watch.haha.cos wana them to waste their money.ahaha.anyway finally la ky?tat i get to fetch u.hahah.or else alwiz u are my driver.until i paiseh.haha.great great.muz give and take.hahaha.great GAY DAy.Thx
oh shit it wsa 1 hell of a day.haha.who else to be thx?othr then ky the MAN!hhaha.
i cal him atl 10.30 he bloody still sobering ther.p/s= i learn from u.hahaha.the whole morning i went out with my dad so get busy with some stuff.hahah.ltr oni he say 2plus wann lai fetch.
den some1 got fuked by driver la.aiyo biasa la.if don get fucked oni tak biasa.hahaha.well other then tat the whole day was well la.
went to 1U first to get some stuff then lepak walking walking.due to some engrave thing we jalan here jalan ther.haha.not bad not bad.oh oh .i dnr wtf to say edi.haha.den go starbucks minum first.while waiting for some of them to reach starbucks.then near 7 plus we leave to another place.called sunway pyramid cos i think my fren was finding for something.
okie so when we reach sunway den was damn hell hungry la.den we saw the deli nasi ppl.we went in but luckily the place was good and the food was great.but ofcourse its aint cheap la.walao.den help my fren find stuff high and low.but din manage to get it.but the time leave the mall also 9.30 lik tat edi.reach home around near 10 or less i guess cos the supercar was flying.haha.then i bath and all.den plan to sleep early.but end up stayed till 12 oni sleep.
i really wanted to stayed up much more ltr.but sorry i was really sleepy and i took pills which i promise to throw away.i wont throw but i guess i will keep it aside.
basically tats all for the day.if was great and was hell full.and yeah rush can fly trust me.its all depend on driver oni.
haha.well thx u guys for coming.although u guys cam a lil late and some of the food were sorry bout the food were ordered over budget but still it came so less which is so unexpected.haih teriibly sorry bout tat.hahaha.cos some of the sotong and all are finished.well many of them came which is very glad and happy bout tat.
well to those who cant make it don worry ya.hopefully the next time u can make it.
not many driver over here in my many need ppl to fetch car is full.then now days cant fetch too many ppl cos the seatbelt thingy is the problem lo.kena saman basically the nite was good la
10 mins to reach bkt tinggi3 from klang centre.hahaha.nite ma. no car wad.wait wad?slow down la.anyway i drive slow K! don is first.haha
well the nite over at ky house started lamely la.but as time goes by things get heated and things getting much better.oh yea i din tell them tat i drink edi oni drove them home.hahaha.cos if i were to say tat then maybe they would hesitate abit to follow my car.
but overall i drive effect at all.still can talk perfectly.i get to send 3 chicks home.fuyoo.haha.send all of them home den they sleep peacefully.haha.oh yea 3 of them is chew hong,ally and dee.haha.after sending them bak then konon wanna act smart using the old bridge and sesat.and ending up using longer cut.haha.damn dumb.
den after nite was finishing up some leftover absolute la.den ky open jd.then got another 1 is dnr wad name 1 wor.well thr is tis 1 part wher we pakat to trick the others and siva planeed the actors start working.siva act so drunk banging wall and schouting vulger words.they fall for it totally.joseph was scare edi.and jude fall for it also.haha.the whole thing was damn funny they were abit high also.hahaha.
guess wad?12plus oni go mamak to ky din really eat cos he keep server and cook for ppl.aiyo.i crash over ther as well as another 6 of them.haha.i slept with siva and our room got no CURTAIN so soon u guys can see us in gutterpost edi la.titlled KY"S House ScAnDAl.haha.the nite ends at 4.haha.some of them din even sleep as they plyed the whole nite
after such a long break.
all i hav to do is to start off with a topic fate?
haha.i dnt why but tats wad i am thinking of at tis particular moment.
fate r?wads with fate r?oh yea fate decides our life.some says decision is in ur hand.but in actual everything is decided and planned by somethings is fate!and when ur fated to be and do so!u hav to la.cant run from fate!
last word!