i love now....at 1.am tis morning....i'm sooo glad...i would say i'm very happy....U maded my day my dear...hahaha....i got time to slowly learn and understand....i got patience....hahaha....i was surprice and yet happy to knew tat i knew...hahaha....jux glad to noe....but sadly things din work out last time las time....LEt By GonEs Be GOne....I would say its part of us now....History is wad makes us today....History changed Us...History Help if u noe the formula for the right way...Life is Full Of miSteries and surprices...sorry if i'm talking like a Unwise Old man...
sometimes i think bout the past i break down crying...i dnr why....its jux my soft side i guess....sometimes i wonders why stupid things i do...sometimes i wonder wtf is wrong....the rest was jux emo...for those hu noe me since early u can seee many emo post?hahaha...I admit...everything were wrong at tat time...everything seeems lik fuk tat will pisssed me...i dnr y...getting easily pissed with little things.....i wonder why....
trust me...i got really wise frenz...and Thx DUDE...err they hurt me very much and they very much help...they really R FRENZ....hahaha...>.<....they REALLY make me....we cant talk to parents cos they don understand us as well our frenz r....Its muxh easier talking bout love,sex and crap with frenz and not parents...tat is why sometimes ppl say When fren say A word is BEtter then parents say 10 words...Heard Before?i tell u is true...and when u hab wise frenz,GooD FRENZ u will turned to be a good boy...or else ur will be drifted off to the dark side of the world... wads Wrong with me????my tears lik wanna roll out oni?hahaha....still having convos with my baby now...ya i noe its late...hahaha....i turned wiser?haha...i admit i changed very much now...i think more better and a lil more wiser i guess....hahaha....*speechless*...omigod i'm giving speeches lik an old man...wads wrong with me??iDioTz.... ======================================================================= Aftternoon
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6 years ago
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