Aries Forecast for 2009
Launch into intensity
By Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer*
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This is an especially active year for you socially, yet you also come face-to-face with pressing responsibilities at work and inevitable changes at home. With optimistic Jupiter now in your 11th House of Friends, Hopes and Wishes, your eyes shift away from your career commitments toward the distant horizon as you imagine your life around the next bend. You will be spending more time with your buddies and co-workers, for your friends will eagerly listen to you spin out your dreams of the future and encourage you to realize them, whether or not these are practical. But Jupiter isn't the only planet now moving through your futuristic 11th House: Chiron the Wounded Healer and Neptune the Dreamer are long-term visitors to this area of your life as well and now with Jupiter's presence, subtle visions that you've been glimpsing for years begin to take on greater significance. In fact, when Jupiter aligns with Chiron on May 23, July 22 and December 7, you are tempted to avoid painful situations and even perhaps deny unpleasant feelings. When Jupiter joins Neptune on May 27, July 10 and December 21, it becomes even more challenging to discern what is real, for following your intuition seems to be a great idea and pursuing your dreams is more compelling than ever. Although the issues may become more pronounced around these specific dates, you struggle to pull threads of truth from your most elusive fantasies throughout the year.
Aries 2009 Horoscope
- Love & Relationships
- Opportunities
- Challenges
- And More!
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Expansive Jupiter harmonized with restrictive Saturn through 2007 and 2008, balancing the opportunities and the reality of your life, which allowed you to create a foundation for progress. Now Jupiter forms creative biquintiles with Saturn that are exact on March 1, September 13 and January 11, 2010. You must reach completely outside the box, past your apparent limitations, to find the tools that will allow you to sustain growth and realize your fullest potential. Jupiter also forms an irritating quincunx with serious Saturn that is exact on March 22, August 19 and February 5, 2010. It's crucial to keep both the encouragement of Jupiter and the sobering reminders of Saturn in perspective, for you are tempted to put one or the other into a blind spot. This can impede your progress in the long term.
You are at the beginning of a long-lasting change symbolized by last year's entry of transformative Pluto into ambitious Capricorn, where it remains until 2023, bringing ongoing intensity to your 10th House of Public Status. Hardworking Saturn moves slowly toward a dynamic square with powerhouse Pluto on November 15, continuing through much of 2010. This forces you to narrow your focus onto those projects that have the longest-lasting value. You will need to eliminate activities that no longer fit into your life purpose or needlessly tax your schedule and waste valuable resources. You must use your power for the good of all, because your plans can backfire if you attempt to selfishly corral Pluto for personal gain.
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