welll hardly blog these days. as were kinda busy with college and stuff and all. college was ok i guess. everything seems kinda smooth. studies all goin well. oni acc i was kinda worry, as i got no bakground of it at all. its totally new and i am doin acc year 12. kinda hectic and blur actually. open acc and cock lik tat all kinda blur. but don worry will getting a hang on it soon. worknig on it. haha.
few assig is up already and has to be completed. no time to drag no time to spend. as assig means marks for the end year waste exam. so its kinda important. every single test carry marks to the end actually. so every test is important. and hav to work hard from the start it self. so as we go onn it wont be so blur and stupid. haha. its alwiz good to start early. haha.
besides college life everything seems goin on pretty well. and smooth. glitches here and ther SSOOOO expected. haha. life is never easy and never will be. PERfect life???? hahaha. In fanTasy?? oh gosh. perfect is sooooooo soooooo LIE. haha. anyway life is diff for every1. u decide the meaning of ur life. others can only guide. treat every1 around u well. treasure every1 of them before u lost them and its too late. life is alwiz full or mystery. Enjoy life and DIe.
life is never fair and never will. even earth is not round.
hmmmm. did u ppl notice honda city is a good nice car?
did u also notice tat its very nice to pecut? hahaha.
the gear shifting from 1 gear to another gear is sooo smooth tat u cant feel it shifting.
very smooth. hahaha. the stering oni start to vibrate after 130?hahaha.
local car vibrate at 110 edi or around 100. hmmm. except my car. 120 oni shake. lol.
hmmm. too bad road condition was kinda bad. so so so oni 160plus oni. and its not mine so i kinda not dare to go for all. lol. pedal almost finish edi.rpm around 4500? hahah. okie okie. its nice car.
but note tat its kinda light. so can can can feel float around 160. hahaha. anyway. great exp.
too bad its i-vtec and not v-tec. haha. or else confirm exceed lalalalalal edi lol....take note. don drive tooo fast. 140-160 is crusing speed so its ok! not more. then very dnagerous lo.
the best is 9288 la. 3litre. old crap but lik F1. got sport and economy mode. haha. depends on driver sometimes.
thx for the test drive. thx for trusting my driving? haha
take care ya'll
okie okie . i seeriusly was shocked when u say u wan me fetch u ther. i was sort of prepare tat it will happen on sunday. i din expect its on sat. hahaha. so at first i though ur joking. seriously! haha. okie okie. i faster bath faster eat. faster everything. then was waiting. hahaha.
3.20 reach my house.
3.30 leave my house.
honestly i din noe the way to ucsi ok! i did browse through EARTH but tat was federal. haha. okie. so i took my mum's car. cos her car petrol habis. haha. my mums car also got lik quater left. so drive drive drive. speed speeed sppeed. she hav to be bak by 6. hmmm. drive drive after subang ther rain start to pour. so hav to slow down. but not really slow also. still around 100.
after the second toll which is still heavy rain, the car did drift abit. HAHHAH. SCARE LEA???? Wanna Speed someANOt?haha .drive drive drive near cheras ther then the rain start to slow down luckily. buuttt to bad i over shoot the cheras. end up go till ampang then i decide to pour petrol first. Scare ltr not enough. after pour edi then U turn bak.
then she saw something familiar called the tmn cannaught something. ikut ikut then sudden ikut the lan sen something. till a point of almost giv up. then i decided to follow sign bak to shah alam. cos really dnr wher edi.i got a bad navigator. haha. manatau after the turn then saw something familiar again. ahha. then then then. Suddenly we REAched. MIRACLE LA can reach. haha. reach at around 4.40. ppl almost close lo. then talk talk talk talk ask ask ask. then leave.
come bak got rain abit but not so bad. bak using faderal then cut out kesas then bak to my house safely. reach beyond the time expected.
hahaha. ScARe ANot? wanna SPeeeeeeed SEommroe? Wan wan wan? hahaha. chill la.
honestly we are lost! u din totally hav no sense of direction K!
today was great. it was my first time driving so far alone without noeing how to go at all. haha. no clue. oni sign board and drive drive blindly. lol.
all i noe is i din break record i drive SLOWWWWW K! hahaha.
175km/h stays wher it stays. an exp of life.
my first time driving so far alone.
my first time driving without noeing how to go.
mt first time drifffff.
my first time get lost so far away.
a life time exp. honestly i was not scare at all. i relax oni. no worried after i get my petrol filled. haha. smooth cruise all way long. haha. its a lifetime exp sharing with u.
its A lOST of EXP
thing started pretty off on tis day. welli hav dicrete and cae. i had tasteless food. class was from 12.30 till 4.30. class sux. food sux. everything sux. when ur not alrite. usual la rite? when something is not rite will effect everything to be not alrite also. haha. welll things changes around 17:44 ? since then things are really gettting better. to those tat had faced me a whole day. jux to say abit sorry and paiseh. i noe u guys would understnad. thx. oh yeah since then everything is PERFECT!!!!!!!
okie. tis morning? i woke at 10.15 when i should leave house at 10.30 gosh. hahaha. everything was so rush and rush and rush. but nvm its alll worth it. its worth IT! haha. so i i went up to meet with ky and dee. then go makan. haha. then after tat crash at my house since using kesas and we was early. haha. so left house around 12. and woke my pig up. welll we reach sunbang in lik????? hmmmm 15-20 min? f1 driver. super drive. haha. well was kinda sleeppy actually whole morning. lucky i din drive. haha. hmmm till in class u said something tat gave me energy for the whole day. till now and now! i am equally dead edi. dead. jux finish my dinner. and goin to do some revision after tis. not sure if i can do it. but i will try. i will prove to u. haha.
thx thx. for making my day. its been amonths plus since i last hear those words. thx thx thx. u jux make me more alive. then before. those words are better then LIGHTS or Menthol or wad so ever ppl calls it. its priceless. and its effect its longer then those wadever LIGHTS u guys calls it.
don make ppl emo jux because ur emo
sry my things end here today. really very tired. bye bye
:Hey U wher is ur dictionary?
:Errr not yet buy teacher.
can find a proper 1!
:wow. a whole book shop and u cant find a proper 1.
*look at ky* MA DIU! thx MAn! wise advice.
Hhaha. tat is how hectic todays is. 3 of us lik crap honestly. damn beh ho seh. imagine 8 hours no break no ntg. the break also 10min oni. enough for u to walk go peee. got 4 class today 2hours each. a total of 8 hours. A whole full slot of college. Its gonna be lik tis every thursday. hmmm every2 hours we need to rush and find for the next class and enter and if ur late then ur gonna stand for sure. so everything is so rush and tired. imagine we ate at 7plus tis morning till 5 plus oni eat. hungry lik wanna die. the last class acc all 3 of us looks dead edi. i don remember any1 having 8hours direct as us. tats all for now. oh yeah lately all my makan time all lari edi la. thx to college man. intensive training for my stomach. haha.
thx for jumping in and save me. those little things really meant a whole world to me. might be small but tats everything for me. tats wad keeping me to work hard and move on no matter how bad it is. thx. muaxxx
Hahha. gosh i was prank tis morning at errrrrrr 10???
gosh i serious fall for it so deeply till cant eat.
hahaha. when i said ur my weekest point. i meant it K!
lol. its was a nice 1 la. the best april fool maybe?
gosh. gosh. gosh. Thx for making my day lik u alwiz does.
never will be boring seeing the same thing u loved its alwiz lik tis.