Gosh so fast its sun...

i hate mon...

so i hate sun too...

today whole day go work jor...

sien giler...

supposely fellow my fren go convent canteen day drooll geh...

but no choise la...

dad's work more important....

so was ther whole freekiing day...

the suyi...

keep on provide me fake info...

gimme try so many time...


but at last also manage it up for her la...


suyi mayb cant fellow ya go c click 5 liao la..

tomolo go skul oni go find out the time and date to kelantan 1...


today told my mum say wanna celab my birthday at my house d...

she says....

still long la most problably no prob la...

but no much food 1 la...

jux small party ni...

all invited hahahahx...

suyi and bell u two also lai la...

1 sleep under my bed and another 1 can sleep at the toilet...

cos u both from so far takkan wanna leave on the day ifself rite?




if u don mind my kitchen kinda empty can sleep ther too...


jk jk jk jk la...

haben really confirm yet lur...

cos bithday oni 31may....

sibei long...

on the day itself somemore muz go JJ...

ppl wan chia me BR...

fuyoooohhhh thxie...


tts all gua for today...

damn tired wanna go sleep liao la..

tataz...bubbyes...muax nite...

gud nite and take care...

And don bug mE in my dream....

hapy birthday nICk.....

he is cute HUh?


yesterday went over to my auntz house for my couz birthday...

celeb thr...


and sem bian watch futball la...

yeah 2-1...

thx to the penalty shot at 83 minute...


watch with my couz and shouted like no bodys bizz....

yesterday was sat...

maded new frenz called JAmIE?


cute girl...


chated for some while til she pokai...


maded 2 ppl credit dry liao...

ish bad ben here....devilz....


don worry jamie...

will pay ya bak...



yesterday supposely go work 1...

but manatau cancel wor..

cos dad car suddenly broke down...

old car edi la...


enought for satz d la...


so boring so came blogging...

chat with bell whole morning ler....

and still goin on....hahahaha...

all getting their own live...

getting their MR nIce Guy....


last sat or sun i forget....

somebody say wanna intro me chick...

so i'm waiting for her to on9...

and sees wad happen....

shes got my num but shes jux wanna keep and use it when "important"i guess...

cos neba rcv not even 1 msg from her...

nebrmind nerbermind...

i'll c and wait for her on9....

and c the "INtroES" session...


i wont reject making new frenz jux wont be accepting so easy...

we'll c....

i'm nort rushing nor desperade....

ltr got to go work ler...


so fast its sat again...

tomlo convent canteen day dnr how ler...darn sien....

not sure whethe goin anot...

cos i malas ler wanan go long long...

but if i oni go awhile then who wanna fetch me bak wor???

transport prob la...



it dosnt matter at all whether do i go anot...

cos i dnr any1 ther...

jux want fellow my fren go drooll nia...


biasa la...


k lar..

so early ntg much to say yet....

last word ish...


bye bye...

jux bak from my 2nd round dinner

luk at the pic...

is food for 4....


told them i du1 attend skul today but as usual they rejected...

cos today skul got speech for physic and gotong royong...

fuk la...

bo lang lai lur...

luckily early i sms xi ziang then he come...

otherwise me and chee pet oni lur...

sure sien giler....

those "buggars" ponteng edi....


speech so wad???

din go also la...

ponteng with khim and all in class...


then gotong royong part din do also la...

jux walk here walk ther...

lepak lepak oni...


then it seems got a malay guy said...

sms and play hp game too much no good can get cancer...

siao liao la...

i per month 500-600-700 sms(on peak)...

if normal 200+ ni.....

like tat i ma very chia lat....

life shortened....

cos of sms...


dah la the rediation can kill me...

now pressing pressing the buttons also can kill me...


all wanna me die fast....

yesterday konon la wanna tunjuk muka...

ended up slept at 2.30...

on music loud loud...

then they screw la as usual...


if i pissed U won be anywher happpier....

after skul sleep till 2.30 oni lunch...

after eat go bak sleep till near 5....

oni noticed teng's msg...


she smsed wrong time...

while i sleeep....

now pulak she sleep edi...

and no reply...


anyway hopefully blogspot works la..

i wanna upload pics la...

tomolo muz go help dad work somemore...

nebermind la....

yesterday physic we did electromagnet....


procedure is two 1.5v bat but my group did 12...

then instead of 1 coil...

we put 2....


seriously waster time lur...

cos we put tilll so power but oni can pick up 4 clips nia...

stupiak la...

after tat got bio...

we learn bout bone then got skul and all...


all like siao oni...

did many stuff with da skull la...

the pics kenot upload cos blogspot siao liao...

paria 1,keep on jam......


thurs also the day wher my skul hosted the add maths speech...


my add maths ttn teacher...

he is pro la in add maths...


so tts all for thurs gua...

ntg apen edi...

ky was jux lucky tt blogspot jam...

desperade ben
u du1 kiss me i keep it...
pig..like u la bell....


chun huh???
12 bat for electromagnet...siao....
u can get award nigga....


pasang the circuit la
again 12/13...forget edi
double coil for double power...but shit la no double also....

every 1 is complaning tat form 5 is such a mess...

padahal form 5 somemore its a spm year....

who complain who noes la...

but i'm sure not oni 1 ppls say tt...

its form la...

so many teachers OD here and ther...

how to teach???

my sej teacher somemore wanna go fart hers baby out liao...

then 2 months no teacher...

come on, relief teacher won teacher 1 lea...

cos sej its jux not their profession....

2 months lea...

die la sej for spm...

sure gonna pass with "flying colours "edi la...


and studies is such a mess..

my maths teacher and all other teacher lik suka suka oni...

partially we students r too la...


cant really blame them...


jux a short post for a short time la...

tml oni post long 1 at nite...

Instructions : Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged

1. At what age do you wish to marry?

When I found the right 1....

2.If you have the chance what would you probably say to your beloved one?

I love U miZZ U MuaXs....

3.What do you fear most in cooking/baking?

i dont think i'll cook la...nor my wife...i'll jux go out makan or buy it.....

4.When you pangsai which position do you prefer, sit or squat?

Is tis nercesary???who cares rite???as if it matters???

5. Where is the place that you want to go to the most?

cool cuntries Europe mayb.....

6. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?

if would be many dreams to be true.....

7. Do you believe you can survive without money?

Nope i don think so....i'm spending $$ every single day....so how can i live without it....thx to my parents for providing it....

8. What are you afraid to lose the most?

My loves One....

9. What would you do if you won $1 million?

If i Get 1 MIl la....too many to list la....

10.If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?

why not???if i really love SOme 1 i jux would....if don...u might jux lose it....

11. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you
i) CrApPy....
ii)pretty??or ugly???
iii) she can swim

12.What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
i) Care
ii) Love
iii) Commitment
iv) sincerity

13.Which type of person do you hate the the most?
i) fakers
ii) troublemakers
iii) ppl who treat me as spare tyre....

14. Why are we doing tags?
couz i'm free??? and coz i kena tagg??tts all...

15.What do you think is the most important thing in life?
LIFE and love 1.....

16.If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?

hmmm?to be more nerdier???cos i'm too lazy to c buks....

17.Are you a shopaholic or not?

nar not really.....but i'm a gud shopping accompany

18.If you are to die one day, who would you wish to spend your last day with?

With the one My love 1's

19.What is/are your trademarks?

Dnr????i don hav 1 i guess...

20.Which do your prefer lollies or ice-creams?

i liek baskin robbin or haagen daaz...dee goin to belanja me..so wad???

who i wanna tag????






and bla bla bla....

done all 8

gosh so fast its sunday again...


why muz it be so freeking fast???

slow down la...

chill a lil bit la TIME....

and so it was sunday...

my parents out for work left me and my sis at home...

hahaha told nariko bout the cow dung as drugs....

she got so excited lolx...

first time she heard of it....

then chat a lil while go sleep from 3 to 7....

die la...

tts why late nite oni on9...

then chat with teng also most d whole day....


normall stufff oni...


then now blogging cos cant sleep la...

d say go study...

cos buks = sleeping pill wad...

so ask me go study...

and i will gua since no ppl on9 d and ntg to do...

its gud to fill some knowlegde in tis empty head also la....


the head god giv me is not put in to gud use...

which will then be wastered....

don waste gods gifts....


kk tataz....

hahahx....young boi enjoying his day off
cought her on act.....gossiping....
13 movie ticket again

5-6 tables of us...whole kenny rogers shaking....
thx for the lunch KY
birthday boi.....
whole bunch of us....some cabut liao
13 movie tickets....whole centre row...OURS....

me and darren and siva was so early tt no ppl is ther

Dee tis pics for U....we will share buy tis for u when ur birthday

okie start with tis mor....

i woke up 9.30 cos last nite 3 oni sleep eh....

kk then i go ready up la...

biasa la all those durian hair style la...

then go daren house then siva say he ther liao then go go bui him la...

then wait wait till around 11 ky(birthday boi) come

then we had breakfast la with him and darren and siva...

then after tat 1 by 1 of them start coming la....

then we had lunch la at kenny rogers.....

cos shows at 3.20 ma...

so we fin lunch oni 2 plus wor...

still got hours plus before show....

k la then walk walk walk and drooll drooll drooll la....

biasa la...a bunch of 13 of us so its kinda big group la like wanna rob jj oni...


then hor when wanna enter the cinema tt time rite....

we want buy drinks lur....

then we ming ming all stand ther que up liao ma...

jux 1 or 2 of them sort in orders oni u noe...

then hor the fukki indian girl behind though we alllllllll cut que...


we jux que a lil bit zhao chui la...

but still in que ma....

she make noise hor....

idiot bitch r she told the service guy to do her order first and skip mine....

fuk u bitch i luk at her(stare la)...

then she still nag nag nag la then say this ppl biadap la,cut que la,tis la tat la....

hohohohohoho shes jux lucky i'm happy otherwise i sure fuk her edi...

fukking bitch....

u kenot wait????fuk offf la don buy....no body force to buy la cibai po....

fukking black arse....

suak then after tat the show was nice la then had fun la....

wise choise every1....

then after tat show i was rounding la with my frenz....

then suddenly yvone sms lai....

tell me bui her shopping....

sry la guy's left u all ther and sry darren u alone....

and sry for leaving u guys and went with her.....

she keep on remind me alone cos she kenot mix....

lolx....jkjk...don angry yea...


then me and yvone go buy some stuff la (some presie la) for her fren party after jusco.....

so we chated quite a while la...

then had hard time deciding wher to drink...

and ended up in secret recipe....

then talk talk talk talk la.....

biasa la....


then funny part i lied to her tt secret recipe is mine so no need pay...

padahal i pay liao.....


Jo if u c tis tell her ITs MY TREAT....

and don bother paying bak cos i wont recv tell her save hers time....


then after tt boliao lur cos i gtg liao ma...

thought can dump her 1 mana tau i kena dumped pulak


she said tt nobody dump her 1, oni she dump ppl...

i start to thinks tts true la...


k lar after i go bak bath then on9 then blog...

hre is it now....

i had nice time la today....

all gud things happen expect for the indian cha bo at the cinema outside 1....

post some pics soon....


I don keep secret out off my close frenz...

u share urs sure i share mind....

if thers gud new sure frenz will noe...

unless ther isnt any story la...

then ma no tell lur...

my secret????

hardly have any la...

everything bout me...

everyones noe it...

keep secret out of ppl is very hard....

cos sometimes will terlanjur cakap....

then die la....

they will hate us...

so these days i rather jux let things out...

its better to hate me now rather then latr...

which will hurt more....(i guess)....

and pls la....

i wanst emo la....

have ntg to be emo-ed about lea....

except for studies la....

i have everything...

gud frenz,life,family, and not kekurangan $$....

so i have ntg to be emo-ed about...

jux living my happy lucky life...

and live longer..

all those emo-ed shyt shorten humans life span...

and get old freeking soon....

so try to make life happy and stay out of trouble....

i bet ur life sure haapppy 1....

live like me (bhb) and hopefully evething will be much better in time soon....


jika semua langkah langkah yang dinyatakan saya diikuti...

saya pasti kehidupan anda pasti akan lebih ceria and trouble-less....



nevermind wads over is over....

forget bout it....

learn a lesson from it....

next time i'll try harder...

i bet i will....

after all tis shit....

tomolo's is my day off....


its ky birthday....

so the rich man son wanna celeb belanja fren at bkt tngi jusco...

biasa la....


sure meet damn many ppl ther 1 la...

biasa la....

klang so small all lepak at 1 same place nia....


got ther for breakfast,lunch and movies gua....

dnr la....

so sien these days wanna blog...

but if blog means 1 day blog few post....

like siao nia...

bubbyes muax...

IF u were mine and i'm urs.....

I'll do wat Avant say he will do.....

COS IF u were mine i'll appreciate....

Oooo I wanna be girl let me be.....

I wanna be everything your man's not........

And I'm gonna give you...........

every little thing I've got.............

Cause you are more than a man needs.............

That's why I say you're truly my destiny...........

I'm gonna get cha.............

If it takes me until forever.............

No you don't feel me........

if forever turns into never..........

I'll let you know my love.........

is just that strong..........

And for you never just ain't that long (ohh TK).........

[Hook 1:]........

I wanna be the smile........

you put on your face..........

I wanna be your hands..........

when you say your grace..........

I wanna be whatever...........

is your favorite place, oh..........

I just wanna be close...........

I wanna be the hat you put on your head..........

I wanna be the sheets.........

you put on your bed.............

I wanna be the skirt ...........

wrapped around your legs...........

Oh, I just wanna be close..........

[Verse 2:]........

And even if the day turns into night.........

I will love you by candlelight.........

And even if the water starts to run over.........

I'll be there to put you on my shoulder ............

And if it's hard for you to get to sleep..........

I will sing you a melody,............

I wanna feel this way..........

Till the end of time, cause I pray one day........

That you will be mine.........

[Hook 1:]......

I wanna be the smile.......

you put on your face.......

I wanna be your hands..........

when you say your grace.........

I wanna be whatever.......

is your favorite place, oh.........

I just wanna be close.......

I wanna be the hat you put on your head........

I wanna be the sheets..........

you put on your bed...........

I wanna be the skirt ..........

wrapped around your legs.........

Oh, I just wanna be close........

[Verse 3:]............

See my life's filled with up and downs.........

I'm ok when you're around..........

And when I'm in a storm..........

and my nights are cold...........

Reach out your hands for me to hold........

See you're my queen on a throne.........

and you're the reason ...........

For a song and I can't wait.........

to fill you up with love.........

Fill you with love..........

[Hook 2:]........

I wanna be the sun,..........

your stars, your moon.........

I wanna be a hot summer day in June.........

I wanna be the smell.........

of your sweet perfume........

I just wanna be close........

I wanna be the seed........

That bare your life brand new.......

I wanna be the one......

that's so faithful and true.........

I wanna be the man down that aisle.......

in that suit, yes.......

I just wanna be close (ohhh TK)......

i was so pissed i cant say or expresed anything rite now...

i'll jux say ntg....

words r not coming out of my mouth...

its all in my brain oni...

stuck in ther...

wait ltr i relax liao then i post again...

i'll jux say tat today suckx.....


why i ever post buletin in friendster to promote????

wads the ever reason appeared in ur mind????

yea rite.....

its me wanting attention la wat else???

me now LOA liao ma...

no need tease me....

i admit it alrite....


sien la.....

so long no ppl giv att lolx...

tomolo last day exam.....

tis time exam sien giler lur....

totallly not in mood at alll...

the subject i expect to be hard turn out the other way....

thx god...

but for bio pulok tat i hope will be easier turn out to be freeking hard...

the ques ask many explanation lor.....


dah la bio half study half sleep somemore alll so deep deeep ques die la...


si liao la...

c la....

ask u all help ask thi kong popi me dnr got help anot....



k lar.....

wasnt any1's fault i flop tis time....

jux me and all bout me.... the damn me....


i'm jux wondering jux now.....

would any1 do anything for me other then my parentz????

i gUEss NO.....


who will rite???



got to get bak to studies...

chemy and m.maths and +maths tomolo....


add maths die la...

not tat i'm being pesimis but i noe edi wad will happen....

hopefully chemy and m.maths turn out to be well la...



Mood SwiNGer....

Totally not prepared for tomolo physics....

How To ExPlain MY MOOD SwINg COs GUy NO PMS....

Jux FElT FUCKED.....

lolx jux lately bought my dreamed A5 from sonice gear....
the sound is jux blasting.....
its worth it for my rm200....
i on half max....
the cupboard start to vibrate...
if with my room door closed....
even my toilet window starts to cry...
imagine i on max!
siao lar...
ears can burst wei...
btter don too much....
enough la bak to studies....

let start with tis mor...

i wake up 6.30...
go skul lar....
then today last period bm and the teacher absent...
coool,got chance to ponteng but dint lar...
our physic text buks all got a hole through it...

coooooooool sial....
siva pratical physic got hole fron the front cover till the back...


my physic text buk pulak got tilll chap 5....

tooo free lar.....

jux now dinner....

the cat rompak our left over dinner....
from the chair....

cute cute cute....


love love love....

why is tis topic suddenly like so hot oni????

even guy r talking about it more then futballs and cars...


this and another topic called......

girls la...


guy's tis days har like got no other thing other then love stories and girls stories oni lar...

knn sialll....

making me jeolous nia....

me bored giler....

listen them talknig me oni listening....

can join in the conversation....

but nvm lar....

get used to it liao...


today skul ???


all i can think of funny stuff is dc and ss squeeezing somebody's tits oni gua.....

cos tts really hillaries....

its like message for him lar....

biasa lar guy's without present of girls....

ape pun boleh happen....

even thers ppl peee-ing in bottle's.....


acs= siao......

my fren alwiz say i from rcs instead of acs.....



arsehole lar those "frenz".....


wait lar 1 day i revenge....

then u'll get famous KY......

don play play.....


k lar near 9 oclock liao but dinner still haben eat....

enough for today gua....

more for tomolo...


1.Have you given your first kiss away?

SAve aNd SouNd WIth ME

2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? Why? first is my couz cos i wan her susah with me...2nd is jessie cos i wan her susah also...3rd nobody la....

3.where is the place that you want to go the most?


4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?

i just wan have a good result at SPM and have my dream life

5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

isnt tis ques stupid?sure lah..

6. What are you afraid to lose the most now?


7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?

go travel and get a house mayB with bar's and pool...

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her ?


9.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.

shes mid nite ghost...shes gud?shes frennly

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?

caring,cute,kind,the most important is love me!~

11. Which type of person do you hate the most?

wannnaBEEEEEz,bitch,Extreame desperados....

12. Which do you prefer from your other half? hugs? or kisses?

I wan All CAn??lolx...kisses lar...

13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet? Point out,because i will change better than it become more serius..

14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

I Enjoy My Life....

15. Are you a shopaholic or not?

nope...not at all...

16. What kind of electronic device/gadget you own that you like most?

handphone-Sony Ericsson

17. If you have a chance. Which part of your character you would like to change?

jumper..can go anywhere ~haha

18. What makes you feel disappointed?

Anything that not in my controlled.(same)

19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?

don't want..wads life if u noe ur future???

20.What does your friends labelled you as?

Retard?ah beng?FrenLy?ugly?dnr...

sry tagged stops here....i don think of any1 to tag.....

should i be expecting something????

haven had chance to get ur hp no....

i can get it easily from others but i wont...

i oni wanna get it directly from u....

juz fin my homework.....
acc jux did some sej oni lar...
how to concentrate on my studies????
if ther so many output of probs.....
i told D i really muz study edi....
but everytime i open the buk less then bla bla mintes...
the next thing u c is my sleeping with buks open...
isnt ther anyway to jux slam all the knowledge in the head???
why is ther any easier way???
i really wanna study....
but the buks hate me...
by making me sleep everytime open my dear buks...
i try to fall in love with u...
but everytime u keep rejecting me....
i'm sincere but ur choosy...
i wasn't hoping for shortcuts....
i would take the long way....
as long as u will acept me...
i'll do anything....
i take anything jux to be with U....
why cant???
we jux be like others???
why muz it be so hard????
the proverb says tat when we get something too easily we won apreciate it...
but i'm excepted cos i'm not like any other ppl....
i'm diff.....
i will appreaciate....
my time is runnig short....
i hope wad i hope will work out....
i'll try very very hard....
and no joke....
less games,less chatting,and lesss goin out....
like i say,i'll say it again....
i'll do anything jux to be with u....
and for u to help me....
my lover My Dear.....
BOoKx And KNoWlEDgGe
Pls Love ME...



wat u think its rite????

btw I flood My ToiLeT....


to free edi wad....

ma try lur....

the last few pics show tt the water is too much to flow out....

till the whole also 100% filled....

gila wei....

but its nice...


thx for da visit....

ben actually smile with seenned teeth
hopeless boi...
ice kacang so big...but not really nice....

my ring stuffed in my mouth....

speak out

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